Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What Are Solutions in Chemistry?

What Are Solutions in Chemistry?What are solutions in Chemistry? Well, they are scientific tools used in chemistry and in other sciences. They can be defined as technical tools, gadgets, toys or other apparatus which help with solving some problems related to the chemistry.Solutions in Chemistry are named as such because they consist of a number of parts which can be associated with the term 'solution'. But there is a big difference between a solution and a chemical solution. Solutions in Chemistry are obtained by analyzing a chemical equation, an atomic level, using advanced technology and by using some advanced mathematical tools.The solutions in Chemistry have many applications related to the theory and chemistry and can help with the study of molecular bonds, bonds and atoms. They can also help with the study of atom transfer, oxidation, reduction and absorption and other chemistry problems. These tools can help with solving many complex problems and solving some of them can give insights to chemists and biologists.The initial form of the tool called 'simple' Solutions in Chemistry were basically of two kinds - chemical and mechanical. Chemical solutions can be seen in microscopic terms, while mechanical ones were involved in mechanical processes and were used for drilling and machining. Today, most solutions in Chemistry are mechanical. There are many applications of them, which include:In the medical world, solutions are used in the creation of scientific products. One such product created in chemistry is the Cyclo-Tetrafluoroethylene, better known as CTFE. This product was actually invented by scientist Dr. Karl Landsteiner.There are many solutions in Chemistry which are designed for different purposes. Some of them are built specifically for giving out heat while others are used in heating, cooling, cutting, cutting corners and so on.Solutions in Chemistry also have several functions and they are really useful. One of the things that you should always r emember is that the process of working with a Solution in Chemistry should be done in an environment free from unnecessary fumes. These fumes can sometimes cause health hazards and can also make the solution useless. So, keep this in mind when you are creating your chemical solution.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tips to Boost Your ACT Score

Tips to Boost Your ACT Score ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog Since the ACT Writing test is optional, many students question whether schools even care about it. With the ACT clocking in at almost three hours, it can be tempting to skip the essay instead of spending an additional 30 minutes on the test. However, many schools require you to take the ACT with Writing - and even if it is not mandatory at the schools you are applying to, taking it anyway may show initiative and make you a more attractive candidate. So, if taking the ACT Writing test can increase your chances of getting accepted, how can you ensure that you get a good score? In this section of the test, you must write a response to a given prompt. This prompt will present two sides of an argument (usually something related to school), and you are required to choose a side and defend it. For instance, you might be asked, “Should school uniforms be mandatory?” The side of the argument that you personally agree with may not always be the easiest one to defend. For instance, you may dislike uniforms but find it difficult to think of any argument besides “I just don’t like them.” In that case, you might be better off writing an essay in favor of uniforms. You may want to start by making a list of pros and cons. Come up with arguments for both sides, and figure out what evidence you could use to support these points. Then, when you have an idea of how strong an argument you could make for each side, decide which point of view will make for a stronger essay. Your ACT essay score is primarily based on the strength of your rhetorical skills (i.e., how well you can argue a point) and the organization of your essay. Your essay should contain an introduction, a conclusion, and at least two body paragraphs. Make the structure very clear to your reader by using transitions and sticking to one topic per paragraph. The best way to ensure that your essay will be effective and well-organized is to plan it out before you start to write. Come up with an outline: a good essay might have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Decide what point you will make in each paragraph and what evidence you will use to support it. In addition to arguing your own points, you should dedicate one body paragraph to picking apart the other side of the argument. The prompt will usually reference at least one argument for each side (e.g. “Students believe uniforms restrict their freedom, while administrators argue that uniforms remove distractions from the school environment”). The people who grade your essay will be very familiar with the prompt, and they will definitely notice if you all your arguments are taken directly from it. Try to come up with your own arguments, and if you must use the same ones that are mentioned in the prompt, make them your own by supplementing them with compelling, original evidence. Each point you make should be thoroughly backed up. It is not enough to simply say, “Without uniforms, students’ clothing choices can be a distraction.” You should go one step further to explain why someone’s clothes may be distracting. Use specific examples - if you can, try to draw from personal experience. For instance, you might strengthen the argument about clothing being a distraction by adding, “Students might wear T-shirts with sayings or slogans that offend their peers. At my school, two students actually got in a fistfight once because one of them wore a T-shirt that other students felt had racist connotations.” In order to form a fully effective argument, you will also need to address the other side. Mention a point that someone might make in favor of the other side of the argument, and then refute it. If there is an obvious counter-argument to one of the points you have made, it is especially important to address this in order to strengthen your argument. The rubric that graders use to score your essay has three main components: prompt, support and organization, and language. There are three main requirements in terms of the prompt: you must stay focused on the prompt, demonstrate that you fully understand it, and use critical thinking skills. Your score for “support and organization” is based on five main things. You should develop your argument in a logical and specific way, use relevant and well-developed examples, organize your essay clearly, present your ideas logically, and use transitions effectively. Transitions are one of the easiest ways to clarify the structure of your essay, so take advantage of them. In terms of language, your vocabulary should be appropriate and varied. Try not to repeat any words excessively, and throw in a few college-level words (but make sure you use them correctly!). You will also be graded on sentence structure - vary the length and structure of your sentences to make the essay smoother and more interesting. Finally, try to keep errors to a minimum. It is okay to make a few mistakes, but you may lose points if there are a lot of errors - especially if the errors affect the clarity and readability of your essay. A good guideline is to spend 6-7 minutes of the Writing section reading the prompt and planning your essay, then write for 21-22 minutes, and finally spend the last 2 minutes proofreading. At first, you may be intimidated by the thought of writing an essay in 30 minutes, but if you practice and follow these guidelines, the results may surprise you! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, 'f08a3c58-464f-4164-a82e-313b7951bbb2', {});

Should You Get a Degree in Business

Should You Get a Degree in Business If you like the fashion world, you could become a buyer for a high-end clothing company and help shape the fashion of the future. Business can help you with that. Or maybe you want to be a financial advisor for small business owners and individuals who will go to you for investing help and even just basic finance help. Many business ventures only require a bachelor’s when you start so you’ll be working right when you graduate. Businesses also like promoting from the inside, so once you get your in in the specific field of business that appeals to you the most, there will always be room for growth. If the company wants you for a position that will require a master’s, they might even help you pay for it, which is actually pretty common in the business realm (I’m jealous!). Studying business also gives many opportunities for traveling, since businesses are always trying to branch out and reach new partners across the world. If you love traveling, a business degree might be the perfect way to do it and get paid for it. My dad has been a sales manager for quite some time, which has allowed him to work in and visit many locations around the world, contributing to his resume and job capabilities. Business is so versatile that there will always be some sort of job opening that will appeal to you, and this will cause you to have an open mind because you might start working for a company that you did not previously know existed. Maybe you’ll be helping a tutoring company expand their services so they can help more students and still get more revenue, or maybe you’ll be a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company who has a new invention for how to make taking medication through syringes more effective. Bottom line, majoring in business allows you to go in multiple directions throughout your career, so there will always be something new and exciting in store for you. Business offers variety, so it’s a good bet, even if someone isn’t fully sure where they want their career to go. Studying business means you won’t be tied down to one thing for the rest of your life, and with the help of experience through jobs and more direction in grad school, you’ll be able to hone in on the aspects of business that you are good at and enjoy. The verdict: Should you study business? Yes, yes you should. Learn more about Kaplan’s test prep options and start building the confidence you need for Test Day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Noor Al Diyar Private School

Noor Al Diyar Private School Noor Al Diyar Private School Noor Al Diyar is a brand new, purpose-built school set on the shores of North Bahrain, close to the International Airport. The next academix year, the school seeks to accommodate Reception to Year 8 students (KG1 Grade 7) but will extend its year groupsand eventually to AS and A levels. Noor Al Diyar School is fully equipped to teach the Cambridge Curriculum with a capacity for nine classes per year group. Its state-of-the-art Library, IT Suites, Music Rooms, Hall and Early Years provision, as well as its beautifully attractive classrooms, make this school very popular with parents. This is a school with a strong and positive ethos which nurtures children to reach their potential in a safe and happy environment. We are looking for KG and Primary Teachers for immediate start. All candidates shall be graduate with a teaching related degree and minimum of 2years teaching experience We offer Unique teaching environment A faculty environment that is second to none Attractive local salary Private accommodation School transport Air travel home every twoyears Why us? We own and run award winning schools in the region. Over 25 years educational experience and a proven track record of quality education. Our schools have waiting list year on year for the last 10 years. Our schools have produced 2000plus graduate at secondary school level. Our combined student strength is 10,000 and growing. We employ staff from across the globe which is made up of 50 nationalities. We have approved centres for CIE exams and second in the region for Cambridge Professional Development training. Want to learn more about us? Send us your CV and we will arrange a short Skype interview.

4 Steps College Students Take To Get A Job Offer

4 Steps College Students Take To Get A Job Offer Image via At the outset of college, internships are great because you can try out different work experiences with a low level of long term commitment. Closer to graduation, or even after graduation, the main purpose is to go from an internship to a job offer. Recently, I began an internship that went from internship to job offer in less than three weeks. A lot of it has to do with the situation, but here are four tips to help you excel around the office that really helped me go from internship to job offer. 1. Don’t Get Pigeon-Holed Into Managing Social Media Although more and more companies are hiring digital marketing talent to head up their social media efforts, many companies have still not learned how to get the most out of social media. If this is the case, you may be immediately placed as the person of authority when it comes to social media. Unless this was in your original job description, be extremely wary of getting pigeon-holed as the “social media guru.” Adding social media to your workload is not the way to go from internship to job offer. First of all, you’re not a social media guru. Managing your own personal social media does not an enterprise digital marketer make. Second, if you’re in the position of explaining social media to your boss, they probably dont understand the amount of time a robust social media strategy takes. Public engagement of your customer base on behalf of your company takes time and effort. Protect your time, and avoid dumping it into social media if it is not a core part of your job (how you are evaluated). 2. Understand the Model Along with social media, if you want to go from internship to job offer, learn how to politely say no to most tasks that are not a core part of your job description early on. Many folks from different areas of the company will ask things of you, or suggest tasks for you to do. This is natural; all your new co-workers are trying to figure out where you fit in. The key is to recognize where you can provide the most value to the company overall. In order to do this you must understand the business model of your new workplace. Dont worry, you dont need an MBA to think critically about the overall strategy of your business. Take a step back and think about these three things: what your company provides value to, to whom does it provide value, and in what ways is your company compensated for this value? To put it bluntly, how does your company pay you and keep the doors open every day? Now, put yourself into the equation and see where you fit in. Maximize your time and effort around the activities that drive this equation, and give little time to the tasks that do not. 3. Show Up Early Showing up early may be the best weapon if you want to go from internship to job offer. Take it from someone who has lived his life “not being a morning person,” getting to work early or first is a boon. Honestly, once you do it a few times, it’s not hard to wake up because the benefits are so huge. The best part is getting to ease into the day. Have a coffee, review your tasks, and evaluate how you are going to crush your day without any interruptions. Being first into the office is a magical and quiet time. Instead of being the groggy person who is bombarded with questions immediately, you get to be the person who is already in the zone when everyone else straggles in. 4. Under Promise â€" Over Deliver The most important thing about impressing your employers and going from internship to job offer is actually the opposite of what you might think. At the beginning of your internship you will want to say yes to everything like social media and end up with way too much on your plate. In case you havent picked up on it, the main theme of going from an internship to a job offer is about saying no politely, and excelling in a few areas that are essential to the business. What does it mean to excel though? Exceptionally good. Better than most. If you notice, these are pretty vague definitions. This is a good thing! Define what it means to excel, and make it a level of achievement that you can reasonably reach. Here is an example of what NOT to do: Boss: Please get me those reports by tomorrow Intern: No problem, I can get you them by tonight actually, and I will alphabetize them Boss: Ok great What is wrong with this example? The intern over-promised to impress their boss, but in reality just set a new norm. Now the reports are expected by tonight, and theyre expected  to be alphabetized. The bar for excelling has now just become the expected performance. Here is the RIGHT thing to do: Boss: Please get me those reports by tomorrow Intern: No problem boss! Boss: Ok great (3 Hours Pass) Intern: Boss, I decided to work through lunch and got those reports finished, oh and also, I decided to alphabetize them so it should be easier to find what you need Boss: Wow great job! Now, you have produced exceptional, not normal, results. Even though the results were exactly the same.  I had to learn this lesson the hard way, but it is important not to sabotage yourself. If you are truly going to put in the effort to go above and beyond, resist the urge to talk about it. Walk the walk. Remember, an internship is just as much about finding that fit for yourself as it is about your employers deciding whether they want to hire you. Going from internship to job offer is enticing because of the immediate stability, but it also has to be a fit for you too. Dont be someone youre not, and dont feel like its the last opportunity youll ever have. If the company doesnt motivate you to excel then all the tips in the world wont make a difference. If youre applying, interviewing, or about to start a new internship for the fall semester keep these tips in mind and crush it! Search through the Uloop job listings to find your next Part-Time or Full-Time employment or Internship opportunity. Employers are waiting to hear from you!

A Level results are out!

A Level results are out! ...and the feedback is pouring in! Many congratulations to everyone - we wish you all the best for the future! Today Isabelle received her A level results and thanks to Huw, she improved her grades from D E at AS to B B at A2 [...] and has been accepted into her first choice university! I have achieved an A in A Level Spanish thanks to Dean!! He brought me up from a low C to an A, thank you so much for getting me into university! Emma's help and tutoring improved ability and confidence in my daughter who has now secured a place at her firm offer university. I've just got my results, A*. Rachel played a huge part in this as I was really struggling to master the exam technique and had an overall D when she started working with me. I cannot thank Yass enough for all the help he gave me in the the run up to my A level chemistry; I am delighted to have achieved an A grade, which I don't think I could've achieved without his help. Our son Conor was working at a Grade D in Economis A Level, with two Months or so before his final exams. We employed James to help in improving his grade for re-sits and his final exams. Conor attained a Grade B this morning thanks to James' help and support. My AS results improved by 2 grades! This would not have been possible without Brian's help. My daughter was at a C grade for her A level Psychology when she started seeing Helen. She has just received her A level results with at A grade in Psychology and 96% in her final module! Before Adam started our son was failing in chemistry but by the time of the final exams he was confident and performing at a high level. Thank you Louisa. M got the grades she wanted but would not have got without your guidance. My daughter sat her geography unit 2 paper in january where she achieved a high D and wanted a higher grade, with the amazing help from Mr Richards she gained a high A!! Amram, my friend you are a legend! Both Melissa and Ronald have scored A* in Physics and Mathematics. My whole family is extremely thankful to you. From a D to an A! Our daughter had been predicted an A at A level in History, but was seriously struggling to achieve her potential. Having received a D in one of her modules, and similar in a retake, her University place looked in jeopardy. Antonia showed her how to develop her exam technique, to plan her answers, and to focus her knowledge effectively during the exam. Today was A level results day, and our daughter has her A in history. The module she'd struggled with, she'd retaken and received 78/80. Antonia's tuition was invaluable.

Get Help With Your Education With After School Tutoring Near Me

Get Help With Your Education With After School Tutoring Near MeIf you need some help with your education but can't afford to pay for it, or can't do so without work hours, consider an after school tutoring near me program. This service provides educational enrichment services to students in public schools, and through the availability of free tutoring, often known as tutoring 'free', it can also provide online learning services. For more information on tutoring near me, visit the website below. Be sure to read about the services provided and the costs associated with these programs.Educational tutoring can be a great way to improve your academic performance. Yet, some people struggle to find a place that can offer the kind of assistance they need.When looking for educational tutoring near me, it helps to know a bit about how the program works. For example, is the training offered by the tutors on-site?If so, it is possible that you will be spending less time in class and getting more help with your student's needs. You also have a chance to interact with the teachers and students as well. Maybe you will get to work with a larger group than you would in an on-site program. Also, tutors from around the country come to this program to tutor your child or children.While after school tutoring near me is a fairly new service, it is still growing. The idea is to offer some of the best tutoring in the country, which is highly sought after by parents who want their children to excel in school. The most popular programs are provided by several of the nation's top education institutions, and these include Columbia University, University of California, Boston College, Harvard University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Northeastern University.Inaddition to a commitment to help all students, after school tutoring is also committed to providing educational opportunities that can be easily applied to the student's educational needs. They make a point of meeti ng all of the student's individual needs for whatever is relevant to them.For more information on the programs offered by after school tutoring near me, visit the website below. Be sure to read about the services available, costs, and the many options available to help make your education as successful as possible. This program can help you accomplish just that.